8 stycznia 2009

Taoistyczna terapia

"Particularly interesting is an episode preserved in one of Ma Danyang's poetry collections in which Ma becomes very ill and starts to cough and vomit blood. When urged by people to take some medicine, Ma declines. His reasoning for this was, "When a Daoist has a disease, no other people are able to cure it. I must cure myself. If I cultivate and refine the priceless treasures in my body, this disease will heal itself." Because the Quanzhen masters also saw it as their duty as saviors of all living things to be merciful towards those who were ignorant and incapable of defending themselves, they also engaged in ritual and exorcistic methods of combating the natural and demonic forces that afflicted people. Although they avoided the use of medicines for themselves, they were also trained and knowledgeable in medicinal healing methods so that they could treat the illnesses of laymen who were incapable of the proper self-discipline"

Steve Eskildsen, Early Quanzhen Daoist Views on the Causes of Disease and Death,B. C. Asian Review volume VI, 1992

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